4 January 2009
My immediate neighbour lost his 4 tyres My backrow hse neighbour lost his 4 tyres too
Incident happen estimated time 4 to 5 am in the morning
" I made a point to the current caretaker the Kudeta Persatuan Penduduk Impian Setia which earlier part they call themselves the Rukun Tetangga Impian Setia . There is something need to be done . The present guard Bala of Taman mesra alone patroling from 8 pm to morning was known as a drug addict from early 80 s , I knew him when i was staying at Sungei Kantan "
Strong feeling his involved and still on drugs"
11 Ianuary
Neighbour same row with me, house ransake , lock broken, cash valaubles gone,Incident happen at about 9.30 am .Rush down from office to give moral support. call up the new security in charge AZIZ . he was actually the one that take care of the security from 2002 at that time it is Suhaimi the YDP of PPIS . Then It was Hj razak who took over still Aziz was around they played golf and buddy buddy together . Well some start making stupid remarks Aziz paying green fees for HjRazak . The I took over as YDP Aziz was still aound From me its all prima facie no talk talk lah
My requirement was simple :
1. I Need your credential all receipt must be from legitimate and license Security Company.
2. Pls provide me aging report of debtors / I will do credit confirmation . Standard reminders will be sent to Defaulters . We dont have memorandum of understanding with residence secretary come up with one and all residence must sign " Surat Aku Janji " Rented House get Owner to sign
3. All expenses accounted for follow the SSAP every transaction verified

Parah commitee tak boleh ikut ex Auditor General Office Staff punya attitude whatever Still my principle is Honesty the best policy .
Anyway I was silence like a lamb after holding post for 6 months. Suddenly i found out they form another comittee, well they got my bleasing
Anyway I call Aziz to meet me and discuss the action taken and the commitee meet that night and decide
They came upwith this circular good but i guess the tone should be milder
15 January
Friends house in the area Hj razak house ransack his mother an old lady was in the house luckly unharmed . its about 11.30 am they broke in Somebody call a telepathy she said 3 person were invovled 2 eyewitness aware
Well nothing much could be done on all the case but i m not going to keep quite .We will fight for betterment
Fisrt to initiate " Jawatan Kuasa Bertindak membina tembok penebat bunyi "
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