Sabtu, 31 Ogos 2013

Why, Why, How bad is going to be for the people - is it the gift of Merdeka

Malaysian CEOs want civil service trimmed, survey reveals


Does the infra ballon and to fill the empty space in Putrjaya office or the reorganization practise on going from year 2000  or merely upgrading senior civil position justified by personel quantum 

when will the effect be felt by rakyat 

It is wrong to have that volume , are the civil service unproductive , is effeciency obtain by technology or increse in human resource

Lets see the fact 

The Vistage-MIER CEO Confidence Index revealed that 304 of the 332 chief executive officers polled felt that the country’s civil servants to citizens ratio is “too high”, while the remaining 28 said it was “acceptable”.
Citing the survey, The Edge business weekly noted that with a 1.2 million-strong civil service and a populace of just over 28 million, Malaysia is the country with the highest number of civil servants in the Asia-Pacific.

The Malaysian ratio currently stands at 4.68 per cent — above its regional neighbours like Indonesia (1.79 per cent), Philippines (1.8 per cent) and Thailand (2.06 per cent).
.According to a 2011 United Nations survey, employees in the Prime Minister’s Department nearly doubled under the Najib administration from 25,332 during the Abdullah years to 43,544 as at the time of the survey.
The marked increase is believed to be taking some toll on Malaysia’s financials, which was recently downgraded by Fitch Ratings.
But Malaysian leaders have since appeared unfazed by the negative outlook. Just two days ago, the Malaysian Treasury said young analysts from Fitch Ratings had slashed the country’s credit ratings despite Putrajaya’s plans for reforms.
Treasury secretary-general Tan Sri Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah said that the young analysts from Fitch had ignored the government’s brief on proposals, saying that those from Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s were more understanding of the challenges faced by the government.
In the Vistage-MIER index, CEO confident levels on the Malaysian economy experienced a slight drop to 100.9 points in the latest third quarter survey, down 3.5 points from the second quarter results.

When asked about the level of racial polarisation in Malaysia, more than half of the 334 respondents put in it the high region, with 131 and 75 of them respectively saying that it was “high” and “very high”.
A sizeable number, 104, said the polarisation of the different ethnic groups was “medium”, while 20 said it was very “low”.
Following divisive national polls in May, the idea of reintroducing English-medium schools as was done in the country’s colonial days was floated as a means to unite the people.
Malaysia currently has national schools which employ the country’s official language Bahasa Malaysia and vernacular schools which use Tamil and Mandarin, with the latter singled out by detractors as allegedly hindering national integration.
The bulk of the 334 respondents or 278 CEOs said English-medium schools should be set up immediately, while 42 objected to the proposal and 14 said it should be carried out later.
The survey also noted criticisms that the Dewan Negara, the Upper House of the federal law-making body, was now merely a “toothless rubber stamp” of proposed laws passed in the Dewan Rakyat, the Lower House of Parliament.
The 342 respondents to this question were also equally divided on the Dewan Negara’s utility, with 58 saying it was no longer necessary and useful, while 42 supported its continued existence.

Whatever it is, it is the issue brought by the DSAI made concrete thru the survey, there is a problem and The arrogance of power is going to be the stumbling block more so by obtaining it unethichally

Jumaat, 30 Ogos 2013

Anwar mahu bertemu dengan BN, bincang masalah rakyat

“Titik pertemuan BN dan PR perlu segera dicari bagi menyelamatkan negara di samping menyeru melupakan kesalahan masing-masing sempena hari kemerdekaan negara esok,” katanya dalam satu sidang media di Ibu Pejabat PKR di Petaling Jaya.

Ini bukan kenyataan Ahli Politik yang terbuntu teta[i kenyataan seorang pejuang rakyat yang tak kenal penat dan lesu . Umumnya banyak yang celaru dan  yang akan mepersoalkan keikhlasan ketua umum ku . 

Saya tidak menaggap diri saya taksub pada mana mana pemimpin kerana mereka manusia mudah dipengaruhi oleh satu pandangan yang ingin tahu atau mahu diyakini benar wakaupun dibohong dan ditipu ,Seruan ini akan ada  kesan positif dan negatifnya  tetapi hukom penting nya nawaitu dan penegasan amalan ini seperti  dalam chater profesyen audit yang paling diutamakan ialah " Honesty " dan satu kenyataan True and fair  " yang sepatut menjadi asas dalam perjuangan rakyat dan reformasi 
 Ini saya percaya akan dibawa bersama oleh DSAI tetapi sejauh mana beliau akan ditipu dimanupulasi ,dikenakan ,disalah tafsirkan dan di prasangka buruk oleh pihak lawan dan kawan dalam scenerio politik Melayu akan jelas ternyata kerana sikapnya yang Prasangka baik selalu .

Kenyataan ini akan menimbulkan banyak SUSPECT dari RESPECT 

Ketua Umum PKR itu berkata, meskipun PR mendapat undi majoriti rakyat, namun mereka bersedia melupakan ketegangan dan penyelewengan yang dilakukan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) semasa pilihan raya 5 Mei lalu.

Didalam pilihanraya dunia ketiga Kekalahan  parti pemerintah  hanya akan dijelmakan melalui Undi popular 30% - 70% ,  peratusan itu sepatut menjadi hala tuju untuk memberi Malaysia nafas baru  
Apakah kita tak sedar lagi asas pilihanraya yang dikatakan demokratik tetapi  penuh unsur Penipuan yang memang jelas akan berlaku ,peyelewangan jelas tanpa segan silu , jumlah harta dan wang dijadikan penentu mengasaskan konon pemimpin bermutu dan sekarang kita mula mempersoalkan halatuju perjuagan yang bermula 14 tahun dahulu 

Beliau berkata, antara topik yang boleh dibincangkan bersama ialah membabitkan isu kaum dan agama yang mencetuskan ketegangan akhir-akhir ini; masalah ekonomi negara yang semakin merudum dan masalah jenayah yang semakin membimbangkan rakyat di seluruh negara

Ini bukan masaalah baru semua rakyat sudah tahu tetapi mungkin belum mendapat kesannya terus  bagi setaip indivudu " . 
Strategi BN mejaga kelompok segmen pengundi tertentu  namum asas ekonomi tidak akan boleh dialihkan arus penentu dan akan merumdum pada jangkamsa yang mungkin faktor  Syria War  jadi penentu.

Urus tadbir dirosakan dengan pangkat pada yang berseketu dan imbuhan tidak sejajar dengan produktiviti mahu output dan mutu , Penender kerja bukan segmen pengundi beribu yang boleh menjadi penentu maka jangan harap harap ia akan , mematuhi amalan telus dan tarnsperent yang kita mahu tetapi diamalkan bagi khidmat dan procurement  dalam kategeori Rm 50 ribu ke  200 ribu  . guna e perolehan seolah menunjjukan ia memenuhi ciri tekus dan adil  teknik evil in disguised 

Isu kaum dan agama mainan kuasa sejak zaman dahulu hanya melawan kezaliman , kertalaluan himpitan socio ekonomi dan kemewahan berlebihan dan arrogance of power akan menjadi asas rakyat bersatu .

Sekarang mood rakyat Benci tapi rindu akan sampai masanya Benci sehingga tak mahu 

Perkara utama bukannya apa yang telah kita tahu tetapi apa kah yang kita perlu buat meyelamatkan negaraku

Sejeauh mana  yang menjadi tuntutan rakyat menjadi tuntutan Pakatan Rakyat 

1. Berbincang amalan demokrasi tetapi menuruti apa yang dipersetujui menjadi sangsi 

2. 20 billion boleh diselamatkan bukan dijimatkan jika ada amalan " Independency " antara eskutif dan pembuat polisi dan aturcara dan amalan kerja (standard) dipatuhi 

3. Perlembangan dan berparlimen menjamin Suhanjaya dan jabatan diraja meluhurkan undang undang dan rakyat bukan parti tetapi pentadbiran nya dicemari dengan amalan campurtangan kuasa politik pada pentadbiran perjawatan dan kewangan organisasi  bolehkah ini dibaiki 

4. Sejauh mana adanya polarasi kaum dan media dicemari maka pendidikan dan kematangan rakyat akan menentukan ini dihalangi . Penerangan dan didikan dari pemimpin perlu dan terus diamalkan taip tiap hari . Suburkan Majlis Ilmu, ceramah pemahaman dan penulisan bermutu tanpa henti Insyallah kebenaran dan keadilan akan mengubah rakyat hari demi hari 

Namun pada hemah saya the " arrogance of power" akan  menjadi penghalang utama untuk materialized cadangan ini 

Ulasan saya berpandukan Lamporan Malysia Insider 12 jam yang lalu


Khamis, 29 Ogos 2013

Many will need this guide when the Syria war on

CCRIS, CTOS, DCHEQS? To some, these may look like secret codes that James Bond uses. In reality, they are tools that banks and other interested parties use to check your credit history and ratings before offering you their services. How do they affect you? In this first part, will explain more on credit history and CCRIS

Credit History – What is it and how will it affect me?
CCRIS, CTOS, DCHEQS and FAM are tools that showcase your credit history, but what exactly is a credit history? It is basically a record of a person’s ability to repay debts as well as the person’s level of responsibility in repaying his or her debts.
A credit history can consist of information such as the number and types of credit cards and loans; amounts owed; the amount of available credit used; whether bills are paid on time; and the number of recent credit inquiries. It also contains information about whether the consumer has any bankruptcies and liens, among other things.
So does your credit history matter? Indeed it does. Just like how we scan for potential suitors (Steady job? Check. Impeccable dress sense? Double check!), banks will first analyze your credit history before saying “OK” to your loan and/or credit card applications.
For your information: CCRIS and DCHEQS are internal systems within Bank Negara; and CTOS, RAM, and FIS are private 3rd party companies which hold credit information and are frequently used by banks, insurers, suppliers, and other parties to determine your credit history / rating.

Central Credit Reference Information System, or CCRIS (pronounced as “see–kris”) is a computerised database maintained by the folks at the Credit Bureau in Bank Negara Malaysia since 1982 (under the Bank of Malaysia Act 1958).
How it works is that the Financial Institutions in Malaysia will send a monthly report of all their borrowers to the Credit Bureau. Next, the data received by the Central Bank will be processed by CCRIS in order to format a credit report. This report can be accessed by any financial institution upon request, but the financial institution is required to inform the applicant, in writing, that a credit check is being conducted under the applicant’s name and that the credit facility application will be reported to the Credit Bureau.
How does CCRIS affect you?
A CCRIS report contains factual and historical information on the loan amount, interest, and charges outstanding on each loan (e.g. housing loan, personal loan, hire purchase, credit card and overdraft). It also shows the amount of each monthly payment to be in arrears to the bank for one year (12 months). By having this CCRIS report, the financial institutions can assess your credit rating by analysing each loan by the loan balance and payment record of the loan.
Typically, financial institutions will reject an application if there are 2 months in arrears of loan payment for each loan the applicant has undertaken. However, some financial institutions will reject loans if there is a debt ratio of 50% or more. Ultimately, lending decisions depend on the risk evaluation by the financial institutions and their policies. Using the same credit report information, one lender may approve an application while another may not. The Credit Bureau does not express any opinion on the information provided in the credit report.
How do I get my CCRIS report?
Any individual or company can apply for their own report once in 3 months. The credit report can be obtained from Bank Negara at no cost. Simply go to the Customer Service Centre at any Bank Negara Branch, send a mail request or check out their website.
This isn’t all! Stay tuned for more of’s guide where we review the other methods!

we discussed credit history and CCRIS. Now, will explain CTOS and DCHEQS and how they may affect you.
Just a quick reminder: CCRIS and DCHEQS are internal systems within Bank Negara; and CTOS, RAM, and FIS are private 3rd party companies which hold credit information and are frequently used to determine your credit history / rating.


Credit Tip-Off System (CTOS) is a company which privately runs a database maintaining information on legal proceedings against individuals and business entities in Malaysia. If there is a bankruptcy suit against an individual or a company, CTOS collects and registers this information into their database.
What is in a CTOS report?
Bankruptcy information contains information on individuals and companies.This includes information such as court file numbers, filing location, date of notice or court orders, the individual’s name and identity card number, and the date referred to in court proceedings (if it goes to trial).
Besides bankruptcy, information on other legal proceedings often contains details of the suit against the individuals or companies in which summons has been issued. Details such as court filing number, filing location, date of notice or court orders, individual’s name or company’s name, the amount of the suits (if any), individual’s identity card number or company’s registered number (if any) and the date mentioned in court proceedings are included in the report.
How does CTOS affect you?
The information presented in CTOS is only meant to act as “information leads”. CTOS does not rank, rate or give any opinion on the character, integrity, credit standing, worthiness or capability of individuals and companies. This judgement is wholly and exclusively reserved for the financial institutions who will examine the information provided by CTOS and decide if it is material to your application and subsequently its impact. As with CCRIS, risk attitudes and tolerance differ for each financial institution; what is acceptable to one organization may be unacceptable to another.
You can apply for a self-check report at CTOS through registration at their office or online.


Dishonoured Cheque Information System (DCHEQS) is a computerised database system developed and maintained by BNM to collect, process, store, and generate information related to dishonoured cheques. This information (collected from financial institutions) is a profile of dishonoured cheque issuers including details such as name, address, identity card number, account number, cheque number, issuance date and amount.
What is in a DCHEQS report?
DCHEQS will keep a record in the database for a certain time period:
One year for account holders who produce less than three bad cheques within 12 months.
Three years for account holders who produce three or more bad cheques within 12 months.
How does a DCHEQS report affect you?
DCHEQS only stores information about the records of current account holders who issue dishonoured cheques, and does not provide an opinion thereof. It is not a black list issued by Bank Negara and they do not release the list of names. The dishonoured cheques issued may mean that there will be no more consideration for the re-opening of the existing current account. However, an application for the opening of a new current account depends on the bank’s internal policy and is subject to the bank’s discretion.
To obtain your DCHEQS report, simply go to the Customer Service Centre at any Bank Negara Branch or send a mailing request.
Stay tuned for the rest of’s helpful guide!