Malaysian CEOs want civil service trimmed, survey reveals
Does the infra ballon and to fill the empty space in Putrjaya office or the reorganization practise on going from year 2000 or merely upgrading senior civil position justified by personel quantum
when will the effect be felt by rakyat
It is wrong to have that volume , are the civil service unproductive , is effeciency obtain by technology or increse in human resource
Lets see the fact
The Vistage-MIER CEO Confidence Index revealed that 304 of the 332 chief executive officers polled felt that the country’s civil servants to citizens ratio is “too high”, while the remaining 28 said it was “acceptable”.
Citing the survey, The Edge business weekly noted that with a 1.2 million-strong civil service and a populace of just over 28 million, Malaysia is the country with the highest number of civil servants in the Asia-Pacific.
The Malaysian ratio currently stands at 4.68 per cent — above its regional neighbours like Indonesia (1.79 per cent), Philippines (1.8 per cent) and Thailand (2.06 per cent).
.According to a 2011 United Nations survey, employees in the Prime Minister’s Department nearly doubled under the Najib administration from 25,332 during the Abdullah years to 43,544 as at the time of the survey.
The marked increase is believed to be taking some toll on Malaysia’s financials, which was recently downgraded by Fitch Ratings.
But Malaysian leaders have since appeared unfazed by the negative outlook. Just two days ago, the Malaysian Treasury said young analysts from Fitch Ratings had slashed the country’s credit ratings despite Putrajaya’s plans for reforms.
Treasury secretary-general Tan Sri Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah said that the young analysts from Fitch had ignored the government’s brief on proposals, saying that those from Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s were more understanding of the challenges faced by the government.
In the Vistage-MIER index, CEO confident levels on the Malaysian economy experienced a slight drop to 100.9 points in the latest third quarter survey, down 3.5 points from the second quarter results.
When asked about the level of racial polarisation in Malaysia, more than half of the 334 respondents put in it the high region, with 131 and 75 of them respectively saying that it was “high” and “very high”.
A sizeable number, 104, said the polarisation of the different ethnic groups was “medium”, while 20 said it was very “low”.
Following divisive national polls in May, the idea of reintroducing English-medium schools as was done in the country’s colonial days was floated as a means to unite the people.
Malaysia currently has national schools which employ the country’s official language Bahasa Malaysia and vernacular schools which use Tamil and Mandarin, with the latter singled out by detractors as allegedly hindering national integration.
The bulk of the 334 respondents or 278 CEOs said English-medium schools should be set up immediately, while 42 objected to the proposal and 14 said it should be carried out later.
The survey also noted criticisms that the Dewan Negara, the Upper House of the federal law-making body, was now merely a “toothless rubber stamp” of proposed laws passed in the Dewan Rakyat, the Lower House of Parliament.
The 342 respondents to this question were also equally divided on the Dewan Negara’s utility, with 58 saying it was no longer necessary and useful, while 42 supported its continued existence.
Whatever it is, it is the issue brought by the DSAI made concrete thru the survey, there is a problem and The arrogance of power is going to be the stumbling block more so by obtaining it unethichally
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