Isnin, 9 Julai 2012

PRU 13 Confirmed BN akan kalah - Dah main pedang samurai pulak

Ingat peristiwa Ops lalang siapa mengamuk diChow Kit sehingga hari ini berita embargo , tetapi jelaas khabar Angin meliputi tindakan polis demi kepentingan politi.

Nampaknya sudah mula kembli

Published: Monday July 9, 2012 MYT 4:33:00 PM
Updated: Monday July 9, 2012 MYT 5:31:33 PM

Couple brandishing swords shot at outside PM's Dept complex

PUTRAJAYA: A couple brandishing samurai swords caused a stir outside the Prime Minister's Department here on Monday.
The couple had suddenly appeared at the PMO complex's security post at 2.30pm and waving the swords in an aggressive manner.
The policemen rushed out of their post and tried to talk to the couple who appeared to more agitated.
Whilst the policemen were talking to the couple, a team of anti-crime personnel arrived.
Witnesses said after failing to calm down the couple, the police fired at the man in the left arm while the woman was shot in the left leg.
Both were taken to Putrajaya Hospital.

Sejauh mana peristiwa ini akan di kapitalize demi kepentingan survival politik Najib lihat tindakan yang tak rasioanal akan berulang 

Jadi sarperti yang banyak kali  saya jelaskan dalam blog ini dan kawan kawan  bahawa  piliharaya tidak akan diadakan dan tidak perlu diadakan . Kenapa perlu diadakan  kalau dah cinfirmed bungkus  kerana sandiwara sudah bermula

Tetapi dengan alat komunikasi yang cekap dan cepat mungkin rancangan BN tak mungkin dapat dihasilkan 

Apa pun Rompak apa yang ada sekarang Felda hak Rakyat sudah settle skrg sime darby pulak macammana nak sapu 



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